Skycast Indies.Com welcomes all genres of music but we do have some rules and guidelines.
By submitting your music to, you agree to abide by our Submissions policy.
Please read the information below before you submit your music.
We do not except COVER SONGS (Exception Being Proof of mechanical rights)
You must agree that you own the songs you send to Skycast Indies .Com
We will not be held libel for any misuse of music that contains illegal sampling.
You MUST tag your MP3 Formatted files as follows:
Artist / Band Name - Song Title - Album and/or Other Pertinent Information
Example: Wordsmyth - Speedway.mp3 - Racing The Wind EP
We may reject your song(s) if they are not in this format.
Please send all songs in Mp3 - 128kbps format or better.
Include current band pic/logo, brief bio and any relevant web links/social media, i.e., Reverb, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, etc.
The more songs that you send the better your chances are to fit a particular show and receive airplay. Skycast
has the right to pick what songs will fit the theme of the show.
We encourage artists to send 30 second radio promo's that we can air on the show. You can send your radio plug in an mp3 format.
Example of a radio plug:
"This is (your name/ bands name/ location) and you are listening to Skycast Indies Radio ."
The more music we have of yours, the better your chances of being picked.
Artists (You) Retain your Respective Copyrights.
Artists (You) give Skycast (US) permission to play your music on our internet radio show (i.e. Skycast Indies Radio Show and at other shows we control.)
You agree that there will be no royalty payments paid to You for the broadcast of Your music on our site. (i.e., Skycast Indies Radio Show and other shows we control.)
Your compensation consists of promotional consideration only.
Skycast Indies Radio Show and Skycast will not Sell or Distribute copies of your music, but will make a great effort to refer listeners to your respective venues and/or websites.
Skycast Indies Radio Show and Skycast has the right to refuse music that contains bad language, disrespectful or hate content, or poor quality recordings.
Due to the Large Amount of Submissions received you may receive a box full message
In this case please submit contact information on our contact us page and provide links where we can preview your music, i.e.
SoundCloud, Reverbnation, Bandcamp, iTunes, etc.